Honda Civic Aux Input Not Working: How to Fix the Problem

One of the easiest ways to listen to your favorite music playlist while driving is using the aux input. The most recent Honda Civics come with an aux input. All you need to do is connect your phone or music player to the car using an aux cable.

You have been doing this for a while and then suddenly, your Honda Civic aux input stops working. This must be giving you some cause for concern. What could have gone wrong? How do you salvage the situation?

In this post, we will provide you a list of reasons why the aux input in your Honda Civic has stopped working. We will also explain how you can solve the problem easily. Enough talk, let’s get to the crux of this post.

honda civic aux input not working

Honda Civic Aux Input Not Working: Possible Reasons and How to Fix

There are several reasons why your Honda Civic aux input is no longer working. This problem is quite common and we intend to help you out in this post. In this section, we will look at the most common reasons why the aux input is not working. Also, we will suggest possible solutions to the problem.

Blown fuse

This is probably the most common culprit when any electrical component of your car stops working. Fuses are very important to every electrical circuit in your Civic. They protect the electrical components by shutting down circuits when there is a power surge.

It is important to note that when you have a broken fuse, it is probably the sign of an underlying electrical problem. If the problem is a blown fuse, then the sound system will not come on at all. In this case, you need to open the fuse box of your Civic to check the associated fuse.

To do this, check the fuse map that is pasted beneath the lid of the fuse box. This will help you to locate the fuse associated with your car’s sound system. If it is bad, you should notice from a simple visual observation. Simply change it and you would have solved the problem.

Bad aux cable

Sometimes, the problem may not be the associated fuse, it may be the aux cable you use to establish the connection. An easy way to know this is that the car’s sound system is making noise and it performs its regular functions. However, when you plug in the aux cable, it doesn’t make a sound.

There are two ways of ascertaining if the aux cable is the problem. If you have another aux cable in your car, you try to establish the connection with the other cable. The sound system should produce a sound if the aux cable is the problem. Another way to check is by connecting a different device to your car’s sound system using the same aux cable. If there is no sound, then you likely have a cable problem.

There is just one solution in this case. You need to replace the aux cable. As you can guess, this is a pretty simple fix since aux cables are not exactly costly.

Interfering connection

Another reason why your Honda Civic aux input is not working is that there is an interfering connection. Wondering how there will be an interfering connection with the aux input? Let’s explain how this can happen.

Usually, the interference is from the connecting device. If you have used that device to connect to another output via a wireless connection, this issue may arise. For example, if you have used the device to connect to another device via Bluetooth and that another device is nearby. If both their Bluetooth connections are on and they are connected, the aux port will stop working.

As such, you have to check the device that you are playing music from. Check if it is connected to any other device wirelessly. If it is then you need to disconnect it first. This is the only way that your aux input can start working again provided this is the problem.

Bad aux jack in your car

One of the reasons why the aux input in your Honda Civic has stopped working is that the aux jack is bad. Several things can result in the aux jack getting damaged. Small particles may have clogged the jack. Another possibility is that there is a wiring problem.

Before you think of replacing the jack, you need to diagnose the reason behind the problem. The first thing that you should do is to clean the jack. Most times, it is filled with dust or lint. You can clean the jack using a cotton swab. A lot of care is needed during this process so that you don’t cause more damage. You can damp the swab a little with some rubbing alcohol.

If this doesn’t work, then you likely have wiring issues. In this case, you may need a professional to help you check the aux wiring. They need to check for broken or peeled cables. If there are any, then they should join them back and hold them with some tape. After this, the aux input should start working normally.

Bad aux jack on the connecting device

Sometimes, you may have an aux jack problem. This time, it is not with the car aux input, it is with the aux output of the connecting device. You might need to go through the same process to clean the aux jack of your connecting device. As we mentioned earlier, be as careful as possible to avoid causing extra damage. If this doesn’t work, replace the aux jack.

Check the audio settings of your device

Have you tried all of the above to no avail? Then you need to check the audio settings of your connecting device. You may have accidentally dropped the aux volume of your device. If everything is fine, then you should try restarting the device. When you do this, the aux input should start working well.


Now, you know the reasons why your Honda Civic Aux Input is not working. If you have tried all the solutions above and the aux input still doesn’t work, you need professional help. Reach out to your mechanic or dealer to help you out.

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